Yoga for IGA Nephropathy | Kidney Treatment without dialysis

2019-02-19 2

In this video, we will tell you about Yoga Poses that will help you to cure from IGA Nephropathy Disease. To Get Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment without dialysis, Contact our doctors @011-4777-2777 or visit:-
#Yoga #Yogatips #IGANephropathy
IgA nephropathy is a kidney disease that occurs when IgA deposits build up in the kidneys, causing inflammation that damages kidney tissues. It is also known as Berger’s disease IgA is an antibody—a protein made by the immune system to protect the body from foreign substances such as bacteria or viruses. IgA nephropathy can occur at any age, although the first evidence of kidney disease most frequently appears when people are in their teenager to late 30s.

Symptoms of Iga Nephropathy may vary from patient to patient. Following are some common symptoms: 1. Itching, muscle cramps and skin rashes. 2. Nausea 3. Loss of appetite 4. Severe headache 5. Fish smelling breath 6. Metallic taste in mouth

Yoga for IGA Nephropathy (Kidney Disease)

1. Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana)
• Lie on your stomach with your toes flat on the floor and forehead resting on the ground.
• Keep your legs together, with your feet and heels lightly touching each other.
• Stretch your hands in your front with palms facing downward and arms touching the ground.
• Take a deep breath in, slowly lift your head, chest and abdomen while keeping your navel on the floor.
• Pull your torso back and off the floor with support of your arms.
• Keep breathing with awareness, as you curve your spine vertebra by vertebra.
• Breathing out, gently bring down your abdomen, chest and head back to the floor.

2. Ardha Matsyendrasana
• Sit straight with your legs stretched out. Placed your feet together and your spine absolutely straight.
• bend your left leg in such a way that the heel of the left foot lies next to your right hip.
• Then, put the right leg next to the left knee
• Twist your waist, neck, and shoulders towards the right, and set your grape over your right shoulder.
• Breath out and release your right hand, and then the waist, chest, and finally the neck.

3. . Bhujangasana

• Lie flat on your stomach. Place your hands on the side and make sure that your toes touch each other.
• Then, move your hands to your front side, making sure they are at the shoulder level, and place your palms on the floor.
• Now, put your body’s weight on your palms, inhale and raise your head and trunk. Note that your arms should be bent at your elbows at this stage.
• You need to span your neck backward in an attempt to replicate the cobra with the raised hood.
• Push your hips, thighs, and feet to the floor.

4. Paschimottanasana

• Sit straight with your legs, stretched out in your front side. Make sure that your toes are flexed towards you.
• Breath In and raise your arms over your head. Stretch.
• Breath out and bend forward. Feel the fold from your hip joints. Your chin should move towards your toes.
• Stretch out your arms, and le